Sudjelovanjem na 5. međunarodnom kiparskom simpoziju na temu ” Ljubav “, koji se održao u dvorcu Albeck ( Austrija ) od 1. 6. do 7. 6. 2015., bila mi je želja prezentirati djelo koje je tipično za moju umjetničku poetiku, a kojim bi se uklopio u komunikaciju s drugim autorskim djelima u parku skulptura i s tom prirodom koja im je savršeni muzejski ambijent
Petar Hranuelli
Moja skulptura „Venera” izrađena od drveta i visoka 217 centimetara prikazuje ženski akt koji simbolizira žensku snagu, iskonsku ljepotu i mudrost koja je istodobna prisutna u dvije naizgled suprotne krajnosti – krajnja nježnost i dobrota te krajnja izdržljivost i snaga.
Stav akta je istovremeno u položaju sramežljivog skrivanja ženskih atributa kao i u rađanju iskoraka, pokreta. S jedne strane čini se da akt prikazuje senzualne velike grudi, a opet možda nadlakticama ženska figura zakriljuje u naručju svoje dijete. Želio sam prikazati ženski princip koji je istovremeno arhaičan, arhetipski jednostavan, a opet dinamičan, zagonetan, efemeran, fluidan i neuhvatljiv.
Petar Hranuelli
Participating at the 5th international sculpture symposium on the theme “Love”, which was held in the castle Albeck (Austria) from June 1-6, 2015, it was my wish to present a sculpture typical to my artistic poetics, a work that would communicate well with the other works of art within the sculpture park, and also with the nature itself that is perfect museum environment.
My sculpture “Venus”, sculptured in wood and 217 centimeters high, represents a female nude symbolizing female power, primordial beauty and wisdom that are simultaneously present in two seemingly opposite extremes – extreme tenderness and kindness alongside with the extreme endurance and strength.
The female nude is also in the position of hiding shyly female attributes, while at the same time in a position of starting a movement. In one part it appears to show sensual large breasts, and yet perhaps it is the female nude that with its upper arms protects and holds a child in her arms. I wanted to show the feminine principle that is both archaic, archetype, simple and yet dynamic, mysterious, ephemeral, fluid and elusive at the same time.
Dr. Elisabeth Sickl & Petar Hranuelli