The Question of All Questions: Are We Alone?
Walter William Safar
They are here, and have been all along! They are not visiting. We share the planet with them, and they helped us evolve. Level 14 – Detecting oxygen and methane in the atmosphere of an exoplanet-the Virgo Supercluster…
There could be trillions of trillions of alien races out there, out of trillions of trillions of planets.
Are the chances of intelligent aliens being hostile towards humans greater than the chances they would be friendly?
„The real point here is why would aliens be hostile to us? Advanced life like ours and theirs would be relatively rare so if advanced aliens with FTL technology did live in our “The corner of the galaxy“, then they would possibly keep an eye on us out of curiosity or even like tourists at a zoo. Machines would give them all the labour they want, minerals like on Earth could be found on endless other planets, as could food, which could be manufactured. If their own planet was dying, like in the Invaders TV series, they could doubtless find a planet suited to them with only the most primitive life forms on.
Gerry Anderson’s UFO TV series was entertaining but was nonsense. Aliens are advanced enough to fly many light years to Earth and we who have barely reached the Moon destroy their ships with a missile or two. Such aliens would have weapons we could not dream of and defeat us easily if they felt like it.
Imagine that your race has evolved enough to get to space, then evolved further to travel in space. To get to that level of evolution you would need a vast intelligence, compassion and Faith.
Now look at the most intelligent people that Earth had to offer. People like Einstein, Tesla, Da Vinci,Newton, Galileo Galilei, Maxwell etc. Look at all the top scientists, top in their fields. Now look how many of them are outwardly violent? How many of them would prefer to solve an issue with science, poetry, with negotiation or by using weapons? Now its suffice to say that spiritual&mind evolution = decrease in Violence
There are at least 300 million potentially habitable planets in our galaxy, NASA finds. If so, and sticking to the other assumptions, there’d a good chance of at least one other civilization in our own galaxy existing at the same time as ours, meaning it would much closer.*Calculation: In a sphere of radius 46.5 billion light years, volume 4.21 x 1032 cubic l.y., with 210 million civilizations, there will be one civilization per 2 x 1024 cubic l.y., i.e., in a cube 125 million l.y. across.
Have Aliens Figured Out Quantum Teleportation? Teleportation is very real….Real-life teleportation uses the principles of quantum physics, a set of rules that describe the strange behavior of photons, electrons, and other minuscule particles that make up the universe. In the quantum world, the regular rules of the universe don’t apply: Bits of matter can bop in and out of existence. Particles act sometimes like solid clumps and other times like waves… quantum entanglement….K/W*5853*wws*K/10790 -quantum entanglement.K/W*5853*wwsK/10/903 – Kepler Equation- W=K* x Sw x K2 x K1 x K2 x Wp.
What would we see at the speed of light?
NASA engineers use A.I. to design spacecraft…. What would we see at the speed of light-Starship*W=K*xSwx- 2025 .