Tomislav Matijan Bilosnić
Nek nam Bog udili mir
da ptice zemlju jerbaju,
da se družimo blagom.
Neka nam Bog udili mir
s križem, od tijela i krila
da se i po smrti družimo drobnimi stvari
Sveti moj Franciskuš, kad kreneš
putem u gore
neka sve ptičice s visokog brigovlja
doletu u polje.
Bog tako kani, da andjeli i ptice
otpru obloke na svakoj stabljiki
da svitu prisadi kot perje mlade zvezde
Neka me prebudi crvčanje
kot šušnjanje vode.
Neka me oživi cvrčanje
kot triskanje ognja
u objamljenju Tvojih kril
Prosim te, neka ptice ne zamuknu
ni na večer kad ovce zableju.
Ne morem izdržati zakrit u staklu,
ne morem trpiti jezik istaknut na metalnoj ogradi.
Prosim te, u pameti ostanu
kolobrići ki kot živci
trepetu zbog teških brigov.
Neka u pameti ostane zapisano
kot med mnoštvom ljudi
morskim pijeskom branimo mrvunca
Neka ostanu poznate moje slabosti
kot se skupa budi črv i metulj.
Neka se pametu moje muke
spodobne vjetru koji bleji kot oslica
Iskajući cestu po koj si hodio
i vuk i agnjac uz tebe,
vidio sam ribu nezadobenenu kot pticu,
vidio sam oslicu i osu u isti muka,
bijeli oblak ki naše duše nosi u nebo.
Ima li lipšega os straha pred tigrom,
od ove povidajke
na ke kraju pauk plete paučinu
svitlošćom metulja
ki proleti u zori.
Nek nam Bog udili mir
neka u našoj obitelji ne manjkaju
niti insekti
kojim bike spušćaju svoje teške glave.
Neka Bog udili takov mir
da nam vrebac ne da ni časak mira
prez prestanka jačući
živ-živ, živ-živ,
dokle istrošeni samoćom ne začujemo lajanje kucka.
Neka ribe zemlju jerbaju,
neka ose zemlju jerbaju,
i mrvunci
i črvi.
Neka zemlju jerbaju diblji konji
i muhe
lahko leteći iznad naših ran.
Neka u mojem vrtu
ljubezni pivci obljamljeni čekanjem zore
kukuriču kot spominak.
Sveti moj Franciskuš, Ti si
sa svakim stvorenjem hodio
samo si Ti sa svakim stvorenjem jačio.
Ti si im vidio duše
daleke kot drago kamenje.
Ti znaš štoricu glasov
u uhu svakog zvirja
i domaće živine.
Znaš točno ime mrvunca
ki se zdiže uza staro dubovo stablo
u mojem vrtu.
I prosim te, reci mi
je li mu bolje neg meni?!
Igrajući se metulja
naredno neću već viditi gusinjicu
ka me cijelu noć čekala
na cidrovoj grani
Koracajuć kot konji
ki se kot sinj udaljivaju
gledam oslipljena njeva kopita
prašini se okreću.
Razgovarajući se s agnjaci
dočekao sam sunce puno črvov i mrvuncov.
Upale su i druge stvari
lipe kot kip ditešca Jezuša.
Gledajuć u vodu
ribe prekrile su pustu dubinu dobi.
Gledajuć u nebo
ptice su ispunile dubine prostora.
Gledajuć na zemlju
kukci prekrili su pustinu žitka.
Prosim te, sveti moj Franciskuš
posegni za otajstvom svojih ključev
otvori mi srce da pokažem ljubav
prvom stvorenju u prašini
kot je besposlena ovca na ulici.
Preveo: Šandor Horvath
Tomislav Marijan Bilosnić (was born in January 18th in 1947, at Zemunik, Zadar, Croatia) is a contemporary Croatian author, poet, feuilletonist, travels writer, critic, reporter, painter and a photographer. He attended the primary school at Zemunik, secondary technical school and the Faculty of Humanities in Zadar.
He is the author of more than seventy books of prose, poetry, critiques, feuilletons and travels, as well as of more than forty exhibitions in different techniques: monotypes, oil, pastel crayons, drawings and art photos. He is occupied with ecology, too; so he is the writer who attracts a special attention by the number of the published books and by the breadth of his art preoccupation as well as by his biography in a narrower sense. His work has been translated in Italian, Germanic, English, Turkish, Japanese, Albanian, Macedonian, Spanish, Polish, France, Russian, Romanian and in Slovenian. He is included in literary reviews, summaries, surveys, panoramas, anthologies, lexicons and school curriculum; he was the editor of some newspapers, magazines, editions and columns. He initiated and edited publications “Zoranić”, “Poster” and “Zadranka”, he was a redactor of artistic-scientific “The Review of Zadar”, weekly than daily “Zadar Newspaper” and its first manager, and a member of a redaction of the magazines “Ground”, weekly “The Blue Herald” and “Clear Days”, the first copy of the courier og the town of Nin “The City of Nin”. As a guest-editor he participated in editing of the children magazine “The Dandelion”. He was the editor in chief of the press service of International Festival of Children in Šibenik for years and of the poet edition “Matsuo Basho”. He was the editor in chief of the weekly “Zadarski Regional” and “List”.
He has been omnipresent in all the Croatian media (“Vjesnik” – The Herald, “Večernji list” – The Evening Newspaper, “Slobodna Dalmacija” – Free Dalmatia, “Novi list” – A New Newspaper, “Glas Istre” – The Voice of Istria, “Glas Slavonije” – The Voice of Slavonia, etc.), he is the author of the thousands of articles, comments, reports, observations and travels edited in the most of the Croatian newspapers, magazines and publications, as well as on the radio and TV. His TV-serial “The Adventures of the Sea Horse” was very popular.
He has travelled a great deal all around the world; he was a construction worker, an engineering technician, a waiter, a driver, an accountant, an administrative employee, a reporter, a marketing director and a superior independent business administrator. He was the manager of retail trade in the trade company “Zadranka”. He is been the one of the founder of the Zadar song contest “Festival of Zadar” and its first director; he was the president of the board of “Narodni list” (People Newspaper). In the Country War he was the commander of the Independent platoon of the artists (1991./92.). He is the member of the Society of the Croatian veterans of the Country War, the member of the Society of the Croatian Writers and its president of the Branch of Zadar, the member of the Society of the Croatian haiku poets, he is founded and led the Fine Arts Camp of Karin, he is the member of HADLU Zadar (Croatian Society of Fine Arts Zadar), he is the secretary of the Croatian-American humanitarian Children and Family Society, ex-president of the Lions Club Zadar, the president of the Society of 3000 Years of Zadar, he is the winner of the award of Coat of arms of the City of Zadar for his art and social actions.