Tomislav Marijan Bilosnić
Naj nam bog podari mir
da bodo ptice zemljo podedovale
da bomo dosegli prijateljstvo z živalmi
Naj nam bog podeli mir
s križem iz telesa in kril
da se bomo še po smrti družili z drobcenimi bitji.
Moj sveti Frančišek, ko boš krenil
po poti proti gorovju
naj vse ptičke s planine
priletijo na polje.
Bog tako hoče, da angeli in ptice
odprejo okna na vsaki travici,
da bilke svetijo kot perje mlade zvezde
Naj me prebudi cvrčanje
kot odtekanje vode,
naj me vznemiri cvrčanje
kot prsketanje ognja
v objemu Tvojih kril
Prosim te, naj ptice ne utihnejo
niti zvečer ko zablejajo ovce.
Ne vzdržim skrit v steklu
ne morem prenesti jezika izplaženega na mentalni ogradi.
Prosim te, naj v spominu ostanejo
kolibriji ki kakor živci
trepečejo nad težkimi skrbmi.
Naj v spominu ostane zapisano
kako med množico ljudi
z žerjavico ščitimo mravljo.
Naj ostanejo znane moje šibkosti
kot je skupno prebujanje črva in metulja
Naj se pomnijo moje muke
podobne vetru, ki riga kot osel
Ko sem iskal cesto po kateri si hodil
in volk in jagnje ob tebi,
sem videl ribo neosvojljivo kot ptico,
videl sem osla in oso v istih mukah,
beli oblak ki nosi naše duše v nebo
Je kaj lepšega kot strah pred tigrom,
kot ta zgodba
na katere koncu pajek plete mrežo
s svetlobo metulja
ki se dviguje ob zori
Naj nam Bog podeli mir
naj naša družina ne bo siromašna
niti z insekti
pod katerimi biki sklanjajo svoje težke glave.
Naj nam Bog podeli tak mir
da nam vrabec ne bo dal miru niti za trenutek
nenehno prepevajoč
živ-živ, živ-živ,
dokler izmučeni od samote ne bomo zaslišali pasjega laježa.
Naj ribe zemljo podedujejo,
naj ose zemljo podedujejo,
in mravlje
in cvrčki.
Naj zemljo podedujejo divji konji
in muhe
lahkotno lebdeč nad našimi ranami.
Naj v mojem vrtu
gosposki pevci prevzeti od pričakovanja zore
kikirikajo kot spomin.
Sveti moj Frančišek, Ti si
z vsakim bitjem hodil
le ti si z vsakim bitjem pel.
Ti si videl njihove duše
daljne kot drago kamenje.
Ti poznaš zgodovino oglašanja
v ušesu vsake divje zveri
in domače živali.
Natanko poznaš ime mravlje
ki se vzpenja po starem murvinem deblu
na mojem dvorišču.
In prosim te, povej mi,
ali mu je bolje kot meni?
Ko se bom igral metulja
zagotovo ne bom več videl gosenice
ki me je celo noč čakala
na cedrovi veji
Hodim ob konjih
ki se oddaljujejo kot sence
gledam oslepela njihova kopita
se obračajo k prahu.
Med pogovorom z jagnjeti
sem dočakal sonce polno cvrčkov in mravelj.
Prigomazela so še druga bitja
lepa kot slika deteta Jezusa.
Zazrte v vodo
so ribe prekrile pusto globino časa.
Zazrte v nebo
so pitce zapolnile globine prostora.
Zazrte v zemljo
so žuželke prekrile pustinjo življenja.
Molim k tebi, sveti moj Frančišek,
sezi k skrivnosti svojih ključev
odpri mi srce da bom izrazil ljubezen
prvemu bitju v prahu
kot je ta odvečna ovca na ulici
preveo Brane Senegačnik

Tomislav Marijan Bilosnić (was born in January 18th in 1947, at Zemunik, Zadar, Croatia) is a contemporary Croatian author, poet, feuilletonist, travels writer, critic, reporter, painter and a photographer. He attended the primary school at Zemunik, secondary technical school and the Faculty of Humanities in Zadar.
He is the author of more than seventy books of prose, poetry, critiques, feuilletons and travels, as well as of more than forty exhibitions in different techniques: monotypes, oil, pastel crayons, drawings and art photos. He is occupied with ecology, too; so he is the writer who attracts a special attention by the number of the published books and by the breadth of his art preoccupation as well as by his biography in a narrower sense. His work has been translated in Italian, Germanic, English, Turkish, Japanese, Albanian, Macedonian, Spanish, Polish, France, Russian, Romanian and in Slovenian. He is included in literary reviews, summaries, surveys, panoramas, anthologies, lexicons and school curriculum; he was the editor of some newspapers, magazines, editions and columns. He initiated and edited publications “Zoranić”, “Poster” and “Zadranka”, he was a redactor of artistic-scientific “The Review of Zadar”, weekly than daily “Zadar Newspaper” and its first manager, and a member of a redaction of the magazines “Ground”, weekly “The Blue Herald” and “Clear Days”, the first copy of the courier og the town of Nin “The City of Nin”. As a guest-editor he participated in editing of the children magazine “The Dandelion”. He was the editor in chief of the press service of International Festival of Children in Šibenik for years and of the poet edition “Matsuo Basho”. He was the editor in chief of the weekly “Zadarski Regional” and “List”.
He has been omnipresent in all the Croatian media (“Vjesnik” – The Herald, “Večernji list” – The Evening Newspaper, “Slobodna Dalmacija” – Free Dalmatia, “Novi list” – A New Newspaper, “Glas Istre” – The Voice of Istria, “Glas Slavonije” – The Voice of Slavonia, etc.), he is the author of the thousands of articles, comments, reports, observations and travels edited in the most of the Croatian newspapers, magazines and publications, as well as on the radio and TV. His TV-serial “The Adventures of the Sea Horse” was very popular.
He has travelled a great deal all around the world; he was a construction worker, an engineering technician, a waiter, a driver, an accountant, an administrative employee, a reporter, a marketing director and a superior independent business administrator. He was the manager of retail trade in the trade company “Zadranka”. He is been the one of the founder of the Zadar song contest “Festival of Zadar” and its first director; he was the president of the board of “Narodni list” (People Newspaper). In the Country War he was the commander of the Independent platoon of the artists (1991./92.). He is the member of the Society of the Croatian veterans of the Country War, the member of the Society of the Croatian Writers and its president of the Branch of Zadar, the member of the Society of the Croatian haiku poets, he is founded and led the Fine Arts Camp of Karin, he is the member of HADLU Zadar (Croatian Society of Fine Arts Zadar), he is the secretary of the Croatian-American humanitarian Children and Family Society, ex-president of the Lions Club Zadar, the president of the Society of 3000 Years of Zadar, he is the winner of the award of Coat of arms of the City of Zadar for his art and social actions.