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MIMMO PALADINO u Galeriji Manuš, od 5.4. 

Galerija Manuš
Livanjska 6, Split
5. 4.  – 15. 6. 2023.

Mimmo Paladino je umjetnik koji se zbog utjecaja na stvaralačku paradigmu smatra jednim od klasika suvremene umjetnosti, a zbog tema i motiva koje je svojim opusom na velika vrata vratio unutar obzora vizualnih umjetnosti, i nastavljačem klasične ideje o uzvišenosti umjetničkog objekta i zanata. Mimma Paladina, uz rad drugih talijanskih umjetnika kao što su Sandro Chia, Francesco Clemente, Enzo Cucchi i Nicola de Maria, smatraju središnjom figurom Transavangarde. Pokret kojeg je imenovao i promovirao teoretičar Achille Bonito Oliva, svoju je stvaralačku strategiju zasnivao na figuraciji, simbolizmu i oslanjanju na bogatu baštinu globalne kulture, kao i na afirmaciji stvaralačkog hedonizma tradicionalnih likovnih disciplina. Pojava Transavangarde sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća i njen brzi  internacionalni uspjeh  u trenutku prevlasti konceptualne umjetnosti najavili su kraj modernističke ideje o linearnoj evoluciji stilova i avangardnih programa u njihovom radikalnom raskidu s prošlošću. Transavangarda je predstavljala prvi veliki povratak figurativnog slikarstva i skulpture koji će se u sljedećim dekadama  ciklički ponavljati, a danas upravo svjedočimo njihovom ponovnom snažnom usponu. Na našem području utjecaj Transavangarde manifestirao se u značajnim slikarskim tendencijama osamdesetih godina objedinjenih sintagmom Nova slika. Velik uspjeh pokreta u našoj sredini ukazao je na njegovo intuitivno i dubinsko razumijevanje proizašlo iz kulturološke bliskosti i pripadnosti mediteranskom krugu kojeg dijelimo, unatoč recentnom povijesnom udaljavanju dviju jadranskih obala. Branko Franceschi

Mimmo Paladino is an artist who because of his influence on creative paradigms is considered one of the classics of contemporary art, while because of the themes and motifs that through his body of work he has brought back onto the horizon of visual arts, he is also considered a facilitator of classical ideas about the exaltedness of art object and crafts. Mimmo Paladino, along with the work of other Italian artists such as Sandro Chia, Francesco Clemente, Enzo Cucchi and Nicola de Maria, is considered to be the central figure of Transavantgarde. The movement named and promoted by the theoretician Achille Bonito Oliva, founded its creative strategy on figuration, symbolism and reliance on the rich heritage of global culture, as well as on the affirmation of creative hedonism of traditional artistic disciplines. The emergence of Transavantgarde in the seventies of the past century and its rapid international success during the dominance of conceptual art, announced the end of both modernistic concept of the linear evolution of styles and avantgarde programmes with their radical break from the past. The Transavantgarde represented the first major return to figurative painting and sculpture that in the following decades would be repeated cyclically, while today we are witnessing its strong re-emergence. In our region, the influence of Transavantgarde has manifested itself in significant artistic tendencies of the eighties united through the New picture syntagm. The great success of the movement in our parts manifested its intuitive and profound understanding, which stems from the cultural closeness and affinity to the Mediterranean circle we share, despite recent historical distancing of the two Adriatic coasts. Branko Franceschi