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U Zagrebu je, 18. svibnja 2013., započela 5. Međunarodna konferencija o bubrežnoj patologiji, jedan od najvažnijih skupova posvećenih nativnim i transplantiranim bubrežnim bolestima. Konferencija će trajati do 20. svibnja.

Konferenciju organizira Renal Pathology Society (RPS) u suradnji s European Nephropathology Working Group pod pokroviteljstvom European Society of Pathology i Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Domaći organizatori su Zavod za patologiju Medicinskog fakulteta i Radna skupina za nefropatologiju Hrvatskog društva za patologiju i sudsku medicinu.

Konferencija uključuje 28 predavanja renomiranih međunarodnih stručnjaka za bubrežne bolesti koji će predstaviti suvremena znanja o različitim bubrežnim bolestima uključujući IgA nefropatiju, vaskulitis, membransku nefropatiju, genetske bolesti bubrega, tubulointersticijske bolesti, bolesti bubrega u starijih osoba i tijekom trudnoće te patologija transplantacije bubrega.

Osim toga, bit će predstavljena i raspravljena tri kliničkopatološka seminara s iznimno zanimljivim slučajevima. Također, članovi Povjerenstva za istraživanje i znanost RPS-a i Povjerenstva za obrazovanje i izobrazbu predstavit će ulogu i rad ovih povjerenstava.

Najzanimljiviji sažetak istraživanja u području bubrežnih bolesti bit će odabran za poster prezentaciju, a najbolji posteri bit će nagrađeni.

Mjesto održavanja je dvorana Miroslav Čačković, Medicinski fakultet, Šalata 3, Zagreb.

The 5th International Conference on Renal Pathology, one of the most important gatherings dedicated to native and transplanted kidney diseases, has begun, and will be held from May 18 to 20, 2023 in Zagreb, Croatia.

The Conference is organized by the Renal Pathology Society (RPS) in collaboration with the European Nephropathology Working Group under the auspices of the European Society of Pathology and by the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. The local organizers are the Department of Pathology, School of Medicine and the Nephropathology Working Group of the Croatian Society for Pathology and Forensic Medicine.

The Conference includes 28 lectures presented by renowned international kidney disease experts who will present up-to-date knowledge about different kidney diseases including IgA nephropathy, vasculitis, membranous nephropathy, genetic kidney diseases, tubulointerstitial diseases, kidney diseases in the elderly and during pregnancy and transplant kidney pathology.

In addition, three clinicopathologic seminars with exceptionally interesting cases will be presented and discussed. Also, the RPS Research and Scientific Committee and Education and Training Committee members will present the role and work of these committees.

The most interesting the abstract of research in the field of renal diseases will be selected for poster presentation, and the best posters will be awarded.

The venue is the Miroslav Čačković hall, at the School of Medicine, Šalata 3, Zagreb.

Professor Danica Galešić Ljubanović, MD, PhD, Local host and Chair of the 5th IRPC Organizing Committee

Renal Pathology Society – 5th International Renal Pathology Conference (