Čujem da je onaj Zimmerman, zvan Bob Dylan, koji se obogatio plagijatima tuđih pjesama (siromašnih jazz and blues muzičara) izjavio u francuskim novinama kako su svi Hrvati nacisti… Ta izjava dovoljno govori o njemu samom jer onaj koji uvrijedi čitav narod je drogiran ili bolestan mržnjom… Što on želi, da se svaki hrvatski državljanin srami u svijetu reći da je Hrvat??? Užasna izjava jednog lika koji sebe naziva umjetnikom. Ali ima ljudi s perom koji će svijetu pokazati veliko Hrvatsko srce, baš kao što je ovaj poziv nezavisnsnog portala “Croative Net” kojeg šaljem na sve medije slobodnog svijeta.
Dear Friends,
Let’s help this little boy!… This little angel is on the noble mission to make us better humans.
Each day deserves a chance to live because, who knows, this child might become a great artist or scientist, or a great journalist, honorable judge or political visionary, or perhaps a missionary of humanity who will make this world a better place. We will never know if we don’t help him survive. Please forward this mail to all good people. When it comes to kindness, let your heart be the first in command, and victory shall be yours.
Kindness is a treasure which isn’t sold or bought, but given as a present, a wise man once said in a time before people begun forging gold coins. I don’t know much about victories, but compassion is the greatest victory of the human spirit.
Our beloved Creator gave each one of us a soul as a sacred home to the human heart. Let’s show it to the world and prove that there is room for poor little Eduard in that sacred home.
Walter William Safar
(Feel free to open this link that shall open your heart. Take a look at these angelic eyes, and you will see how much he loves life. His eyes are our beacon. Let’s not allow the vile disease to take him away from us.)
In the white mountains, the echo of human desires wanders,
The well of wisdom looks for its voice,
The flower looks for a warm tear,
The shadow for its master,
The heart for a heart,
The soul for a soul,
Imprisoned water for freedom,
For the blue moon to caress its face.
The land of harmony is our home,
The spiritual road has no crossroads,
No traces of human feet,
Just a wonderful splice of mother Nature’s hands,
For a stream to find the river,
And the river to find its sea,
To fondle the rocks with its salty tears,
While stubborn pride is its centennial guard;
The land of harmony is our home,
When warm tears are shed by the sun,
A new flower shall spring in the land of harmony,
A heart shall find a heart,
A soul shall find the soul,
The shadow shall stop looking for its master,
Water shall be free again,
And the well of wisdom shall once again
Tell men about men.
©Walter William Safar